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France: Muslima prays in road, screams ‘Allahu akbar,’ makes ‘dangerous manuevers’ in car while holding Qur’an



She is “mentally disturbed,” of course, like all the rest.

“Panic in Marseille: she gets out of her car and begins to pray in the middle of the road,” translated from “Panique à Marseille: elle descend de sa voiture et se met à prier en plein milieu de la route,” Nice-Matin, December 23, 2021 (thanks to Medforth):

The scene sparked a wave of panic in the district of Gineste, in Marseille, this Wednesday, December 22.

The reason: the disturbing behavior of a 35-year-old motorist, reports La Provence.

While traveling in a Nissan, the latter suddenly stopped her car in the middle of the road, got out and began to pray on the road, according to a police source cited by our colleagues.

When other road users asked her to stop, the young woman then “got back into her vehicle and made dangerous maneuvers and swerves. Witnesses described her with a Koran in her hand, and she allegedly shouted Allahu Akbar on arrival of the police,” according to the same source.

She was easily apprehended, and nothing dangerous was found on her or in her vehicle.

Quoted by La Provence, the Marseille prosecutor’s office, which requested a psychiatric examination, specifies that the young woman “did not cause any damage, did not hit a car (…) and no one was injured.” She was not known to the anti-terrorism services, which moreover were not brought into the case Wednesday evening.

The lead of a mentally disturbed person is probably favored, concludes Provence.

