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France: Leftist at rally for antisemitic imam says ‘I am not Charlie. This newspaper is evil.’



Charlie Hebdo published cartoons mocking Muhammad (and every other religious figure). In January 2015, Muslims accordingly massacred the cartoonists there. Now a French Leftist, Alexis Trouillas, is coming out strongly for submission to Sharia blasphemy laws.

“[Video] ‘A weapon of mass destruction’: Charlie Hebdo accused of being an ‘evil newspaper’ at the demonstration in support of Imam Iquioussen,” translated from “[Vidéo] “Une arme de destruction massive” : Charlie Hebdo taxé de “journal malfaisant” à la manifestation de soutien à l’imam Iquioussen,” Valeurs Actuelles, September 3, 2022 (thanks to Medforth):

“Freedom for Iquioussen.” These were the slogans hammered out during the demonstration in support of Imam Hassan Iquioussen, a preacher expelled from French territory and on the run, this Saturday, September 3, in Paris. During the afternoon, many association leaders and activists spoke at the microphone, in front of the crowd. In these speeches, violent messages were delivered, in particular against Charlie Hebdo.

“I am not Charlie. This newspaper is evil. It is a weapon of mass destruction against our country,” for example declared Alexis Trouillas, member of the “Emergence” movement, filmed by a journalist from Figaro covering the rally.

The satirical newspaper, victim of an Islamist attack in 2015, was not the only one to be targeted by the invectives of the demonstrators. According to the videos of the journalist from Figaro, other media have also been singled out on several occasions. “The media are tracking us! Europe 1 is tracking us, it is my Islam that they are targeting!,” claimed in particular one woman, presenting herself as a spokesperson for the association “Muslim Perspectives.”

The Minister of the Interior has also been incriminated. “Darmanin, resign,” chanted the activists gathered in the capital on many occasions. They also denounced the policy of France, guilty, according to them, of “State Islamophobia.”

