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Erdogan says Greeks have ‘vile character,’ his government partner threatens war, says Greece is on stolen land



Bahçeli said: “The Blue Homeland [Greece] is the stolen and inhabited geography of the Turkish nation.”

This is based on the fact that Greece was once part of the Ottoman Empire. Bahçeli is proceeding from the assumption that any land once ruled by Islam belongs by right to Islam forever, which is based on the Qur’anic command: “Drive them out from where they drove you out” (2:191). This is the same rationale that the “Palestinians” use, and witless and/or opportunistic Leftists fall for it eagerly. Watch for it also in Spain.

Bahçeli, of course, has it precisely backwards. While Greece was indeed part of the Ottoman Empire until 1821, the whole of the Ottoman Empire itself was on stolen land. Stolen from whom? The Greeks.

“Erdoğan says Greeks have a ‘vile character’; Bahçeli threatens Greece with war,” Greek City Times, August 30, 2022:

Recep Tayyip Erdoğan went on a new tirade of extreme provocation, finding the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the Asia Minor Disaster to send a special message to ultra-nationalist crowds….

Raising his voice dangerously, he asked the crowd watching: “Are we ready for the attack of 2023?”.

“The Greeks were the pawns of other enemy forces of the time, but with faith and determination, the Turks managed to throw them into the sea,” the Turkish president said, trying to rile up the crowd.

He also sought the revival of the hostile feelings of the past: “The enemy may have had more machine guns, cannons, trucks, cars and airplanes than us, but the faith-filled hearts of our soldiers covered all these deficiencies. In fact, while the Greek army was retreating, 65% of its 200,000 soldiers were annihilated on the Afyon Kütahya line .’

“The prayers raised to the sky gave the joyful news of the liberation of the city of Afyon, which was destroyed and burned by the Greeks. The same wonderful scene was experienced in Kütahya on August 30, when the Turkish troops entered the city. That is, here, the Greek army was routed within four days, when its commanders were captured and defeated by the Turkish forces. On the one hand our army was advancing towards Smyrna, and on the other hand it was continuing to pursue the troops of the Greek army that were leaving to the north of Eskişehir. We see the burning and destruction of all our towns by the enemy, as he retreated, as a proof of their vile character, as it is today,” Erdoğan underlined in an incendiary tone.

Erdoğan’s government partner, Devlet Bahçeli, was also extremely provocative, on the occasion of his message for “Victory Day”, which the Turks celebrate on August 30, with which they commemorate the victory of the Turkish army over the Greeks forces,in the battle that took place in 1922 near Afyon Kütahya in Asia Minor….

“In this context, hostility towards Turks and Islam blinded the government of Athens and disregarded both the conscience of humanity and international law by supporting terrorist organisations. I wish that the current government, which is suffering the Greek people, will come to its senses and immediately stop chasing madness,” said Erdoğan’s government partner, who continued with threats: “Otherwise, the price they will pay will be much heavier than on August 30, 1922 and can manifest itself as an inevitable fact of life and history.”

And he concluded his provocative message with a reference to the “Blue Homeland”: “The Blue Homeland is the stolen and inhabited geography of the Turkish nation. No one in this world will support the offender. Of course, the truth will find its place at the end of the day. It’s just a matter of time. We know and believe that despair comes from the devil and hope from Allah.”

