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Austria: ‘This is no longer Vienna, I swear I think I’m in Syria not in Vienna’



In many ways it’s true: it’s Syria, not Vienna anymore, thanks to the Left’s pursuit of mass Muslim migration. And that will have consequences far more severe than oriental folk dances on Kärtnerstrasse.

“‘Syrian Nights’: groups of migrants dance through downtown Vienna,” translated from “”Syrische Nächte”: Migrantengruppen tanzen durch die Wiener Innenstadt,” Exxpress, September 12, 2022 (thanks to Medforth):

These scenes take place in the center of Vienna: videos show a dozen men performing oriental folk dances on Kärntnerstrasse and partially blocking the pedestrian zone. “This isn’t Vienna anymore,” and “What happened to Austria?” comment users.

“Mashalla” commented numerous users under a video that is currently going viral on the social media platform “TikTok.” It shows a dozen young men of Arab descent dancing on Vienna’s Kärntnerstrasse. They largely block the pedestrian zone, hundreds of people have gathered and are watching the performance.

The video now has 230,000 views and is said to have been recorded in downtown Vienna in the past few days. In addition to many Arabic comments praising the dances of the compatriots, there are also dismayed comments in German. “This is no longer Vienna,” writes a user. “I swear I think I’m in Syria not in Vienna,” commented another.

Crowds of this kind can also pose a security risk – the eXXpress has already reported on sexual harassment of migrant men in German and Austrian cities, so-called “encirclements”.

